Plant Genetic Resources And IPR

23.05.23 11:32 PM By Rashmi


Plant genetic resources (PGRs) are DNA sequences that are extracted from plants for use in crop improvement or for regenerating crops. They can include various features such as genes, proteins, and microscopically characterized cells. PGRs can be useful for breeding crops with desirable traits or improving varieties resistant to disease or pests. They also serve as a repository for valuable cataloged plant genomics and breeding information.

IPR is an important mechanism for researchers to protect their PGRs from unauthorized use. IPR provides legal protection for the ownership of these valuable resources and allows researchers to earn royalties when their materials are used commercially. IPRs can also be an important safeguard against patent infringement, which could lead to costly litigation.

IPR is critical to protecting the intellectual property of plant genetic resources. It can help prevent the loss of valuable resources and help to ensure that these resources continue to be available to farmers worldwide.

Are there any international agreements or treaties on Plant Genetic Resources for food and agriculture in plant genetic resources?

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 saw the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which went into effect in 1993. More than 150 countries participated in the signing. The CBD first acknowledged the preservation of biological diversity as “a common concern of humanity.” All ecosystems, species, and genetic resources are covered by this constitutionally binding accord known as the Convention.

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization’s Conference’s Thirty-first Session saw the adoption of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources in 2001. To achieve sustainable agriculture and food security, it seeks to achieve the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits gained from their use. The Treaty aims to safeguard traditional knowledge and foster greater involvement in the decision-making process while also acknowledging farmers’ significant contribution to the variety of crops that sustain the world.

WIPO aims to encourage the uniformity of intellectual property laws worldwide, enable information sharing, and aid developing nations in creating IP systems. 179 countries are presently members of WIPO. Regarding PGRFA, WIPO is working with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) on many initiatives to elucidate the connection between plant variety protection and patent protection for biotechnological inventions.

It was established in 1961 as the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). The UPOV Convention grants exclusive exploitation rights to plant breeders to recognize their achievements in creating new plant types. According to UPOV, the Plant Breeder’s Right (PBR) is granted when “the variety is fresh, unique, consistent and stable,” which in the 1991 Act means that the breeder’s consent is required for the following actions involving the protected variety’s propagating material.

What are the legal issues and challenges arise in the context of plant genetic resources and intellectual property rights?

A number of legal issues arise when it comes to the unauthorized use of plant genetic resources. For example, if someone steals a gene from a protected species, they may be guilty of trespassing or poaching. If someone unlawfully copies a gene from a protected source, they may be liable for copyright or patent infringement. Some legal issues and challenges that arise in the context of PGRs and intellectual property rights include: who owns the PGRs; who can use them; what forms can these uses take; how do you determine which uses are allowed; and who pays for these uses. Apart from the challenges mentioned above, others are the environmental impacts of biodiversity conservation, biopiracy, and farming with plant genetic resources.

In a world where crops are becoming more and more specialized, plant genetic resources (PGR) are becoming increasingly important. Some crop varieties are suited to a single region or climate, while others can be grown in many places. These varieties need to be conserved and used sustainably to continue providing food for generations to come.


The key to unlocking the potential of PGR is understanding how they work. By studying the genomes of diverse plants, we can learn how genes are inherited and how environmental factors influence plant growth and development. Researchers are also developing methods that will allow us to transfer traits from one variety to another without crossing them over – this would lead to greater crop diversity.

As we better understand PGR technologies and their applications, we can conserve these resources for future generations and generate better crops that can sustain the environment.
