Trademark Approval time for Different countries

22.03.23 07:50 PM By Rashmi


trademark can be acquired for a person or a company’s intellectual property. In India, registering a trademark requires a process that includes filling out an application form, searching a trademark database for related content (if any), and paying the necessary fees. You may use “TM” on your logo, name, and brand once your trademark application has been approved.

It just takes a few days to receive trademark clearance under Italy’s new fast-track system for trademark licensing. In addition, depending on your country, the trademark application and approval procedure might take several weeks to months. Here is a possible schedule for obtaining trademark clearance from several countries:

  • Germany is renowned for having the quickest trademark registration procedures since it takes just one to three months to complete and receive clearance. You can receive your registration certificate within a month if you apply for a fast-track registration process. The registration procedure, however, might take up to three months, depending on the type of material you wish to utilize.
  • On the other side, there are fewer costs associated with registering a trademark in the UK, but the registration and approval processes can take up to four months.
  • The European Union charges a higher registration price than the UK and Germany if you wish to register a trademark there. The registration procedure will be finished in the nations of the European Union in 6-7 months. However, you may select the fast-track application option offered on their official website and finish the trademark registration procedure in four months.
  • Mexico is similar to the European Union Because, in Mexico, trademark registration takes four to eight months to complete. The time it takes to complete the registration procedure might range from four months in some instances to eight to nine months in others.
  • Registering a trademark in Australia takes a long time; it usually takes seven to eight months to receive permission. It might take more than a year to register your trademark in Australia if any objections are received during this time.
  • India is similar to Australia Because in India; you may finish registering your trademark there in nine to 10 months. However, the authority has the right to revoke your registration if any issues occur. In addition, you can get support from a law company because the application process for trademark registration in India is relatively tricky. You may discover such information, utilize such a guide, and consult an expert on several internet portals to complete your registration in three to four months.
  • In 2020, China established a streamlined trademark registration procedure there. If no issues are discovered, people can finish the registration procedure and get a trademark certificate in China in three to four months. However, authorities typically take 9 to 12 months to grant trademark registration in China.
  • In the US, the registration and approval of a trademark might take up to a year. It may take more than 14 to 16 months to get your trademark approved in the US if an injection is given while you are still in the registration phase.
  • Japan is comparable to the US, where it might take up to 14 months to approve a trademark.
  • On the other hand, you have to wait longer in Brazil and Canada for your trademark registration to be approved. It might take up to 18 months in Brazil.

The longest time for trademark registration is reportedly in Canada. Getting your trademark registration approved in Canada is quite challenging, and it can take between three and five years. All registration procedures in Canada have been put on hold even throughout the epidemic, and those who registered for their trademarks before the outbreak are still waiting for permission. Since Canada’s government accepted the Madrid Protocol, these processes should go faster.
