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EUIPO Trademark Search

This page will teach you two ways how to conduct a trademark search in the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). First is by using the EUIPO's eSearch plus database and the second is by using the Global Brand Database. See tutorial below.

A. Search using EUIPO eSearch plus database

1. Go to eSearch plus database

2. You have the option to do a quick search. You can search by name or upload an image file and search for similar logo or images

3. If you want a search with more criteria like owner's name, application number, etc.., do the Advance search

4. Review the results and check if there's any mark that's similar to yours.

A. Search using Global Brand Database

1. Go to to do a quick name search

2. Enter the name you want to search then hit the search button

3. It will return with results of the name which could be exact, similar, or combined with other words (see below sample)

4. Aside for a quick search, you can also by logo where you can upload your logo and the system's AI will search for any logo which is similar to what you have uploaded. Either drag and drop the image file or browse it from your folder.

5. There's also an option to search by goods or services or by its class number. You can identify the class number which your goods or services belongs to by searching the Nice Classification. A Nice Classification is an international standard for identifying the correct classification of goods or services for applying trademark registration. 

6. Simply type your goods or services and see what class number it belongs to.

7. You can also use the Advance Search option if you want to narrow down your search more like per country, application number, registration number, etc. Just add row for the search criteria.

8. Review the search result.