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Trademark Application in the Philippines (IPOPHL)

Trademark application process:

1. Must be a resident in the Philippines (if not, you must hire an agent like us, Brealant)

2. Assuming you are a resident, go to

3. Fill-out the details:

   a. Brand name

b. Logo (if any)

c. Owner's details

d. Scope of goods or services

e. Color claim

f. Entity type: small or big

5. Once all the details are complete, you need to pay the government fee Php 1,212 plus the publication fee Php 909 for application with no color claim or Php 1494.80 plus the publication fee Php 909 if you want to claim colors. 

7. Once paid, you will be issued with an acknowledgement receipt with a filing date and application number.

6. The application will undergo an examination period for 2-3 months from the filing date

8. If there are any issues or objections regarding your application, a registrability report will be issued. Some issues that an application might encounter are: Disclaimer, Likelihood, or any other issues that needs clarification. It is advisable to have a representative like us, Brealant so we can respond on your behalf. 

9. If your application passed the examination stage, meaning no registrability report from the examiner, IPOPHL will issue a Notice of Allowance and your application is ready to be published on IPOPHL's e-gazette.

10. Your application will be published on IPOPHL's e-gazette for 30 days and will be open for opposition by other parties. 

11. You will receive an opposition notice if there are any other parties wants to oppose your trademark application. An opposition is a battle of arguments and Brealant can represent you on this.

12. If there are no oppositions filed against your application, you need to pay the 2nd publication fee of Php 1,484.80 within 2 months, otherwise, your application will be marked as abandoned.

13. If you missed paying publication fee, the application can still be revived. We suggest to contact us so we ca assist you with your application revival.

14. Once you have paid the publication fee, your application will proceed to registration.

15. A registered trademark is valid for 10 years and is renewable.

16. IPOPHL has a rule that a Declaration of Actual Use (DAU) must be submitted on the 3rd year from the filing date and on the 5th year from the registration date. Failure to file will cause your trademark to be abandoned. We, Brealant can assist you with the filing of evidence.